Our Next Challenge!
Embrace The First Step is thrilled to announce our next challenge event! In 2024, following in the footsteps of Hazard Stevens and P.B. Van Trump, the first to scale Mt. Rainier in 1870, we will be “Taking It To The Top” to benefit our deserving charities. Our goal is to raise $80,000 or more, which will allow us to donate to all our charities.
Watch here for more information coming soon on how you can sign up to climb Mt. Rainier and donate to our cause!
Just Embrace The First Step
We invite you to participate in this amazing cause by supporting our climbers as they traverse both the wilderness and glaciers of Mount Rainier on their way to the summit. Most climbers require two to three days to reach the summit at an elevation of 14,411 feet!
Along the way, we will be posting photos and blogs of the progress of our climbers as they Embrace The First Step! Follow us on Facebook and here on our website to follow the climbers and learn about other upcoming challenges.
You may show your support and contribute to the charities by purchasing T-shirts, hoodies, drink tumblers, and more from our online store or by donating directly.
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“If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.””
Jim Rohn

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Embrace The First Step
1074 Bayboro Drive
New Albany, Ohio 43054
© 2025 Embrace The First Step